butterfly pea blue cloud latte

Butterfly Pea Cloud Latte

You may have seen them all over social media in the last 6 months or so - this magical blue beverage that turns purple when lemon juice is added. T...

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Hot Rose Cacao Flower Tea

Hot Rose Cacao

I've been wanting to make a hot Rose Cacao recipe for a loooooonngggg time because it smells and tastes absolutely divine and why not! So when ...

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Blue Lotus Flower Tea Mooncake

Blue Lotus Mooncake

Traditional mooncakes are quite large and as such are rarely eaten all at once by one person. Made from a standard mooncake mould, they measure ar...

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French Baguette Toast with Rose Jam

Luscious Rose Jam Recipe

The most luscious Rose Petal Jam in the world. Shangri-la Rose Petal Jam made from our high mountain organically grown roses.  This ho...

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CBD Honey Rose Latte in Cup with Saucer

CBD Honey Rose Latte

This gorgeous and decadent Rose Latte is simple to create. It's also a beautiful feast to the eyes and offers the most sweet comforting notes to t...

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