Butterfly Pea Matcha Popsicles

Happy Summer Solstice!

To celebrate the official beginning of the warm weather months, we wanted to share this recipe for Butterfly Pea Matcha Popsicles! These popsicles are perfect for a refreshing mid-day treat after spending the day in the sun!

The Qi Organic Rose Matcha Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Popsicles
shop for The Qi Organic Rose Matcha Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Popsicles


* This recipe makes 2 popsicles. Feel free to adjust anything to make more!

The Qi Organic Rose Matcha Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Popsicles

How to Make

1. Make Rose Matcha as you normally do (Click HERE to learn how)

2. Add your sweetener of choice to your Rose Matcha (optional)

3. Pour into popsicle mold and freeze for 4hrs or until slightly solidified

4. While Rose Matcha freezes, boil 3-4 Butterfly Pea flowers in 1 cup of boiling water until it becomes dark blue. Let cool.

5. Once the Rose Matcha has slightly solidified in the freezer, pour the steeped Butterfly Pea on top of matcha in the popsicle molds.

6. Let freeze completely overnight

How To Enjoy

1. Place popsicle in a cup, with the stick side up.

2. Pour in your milk of choice.

3. Watch as the Matcha and Butterfly Pea tea melts into a beautiful green and blue drink!


1. Take the popsicle right out of the mold and Enjoy as is on a hot summer day!

Enjoy your Butterfly Pea Matcha Popsicle!

The Qi Organic Rose Matcha Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Popsicles
shop for The Qi Organic Rose Matcha Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Popsicles

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