Moon & Stars Flower Tea

Happy National Moon Day!

National Moon Day is celebrated on July 20th every year in the U.S. to honor the first time we landed on the moon in 1971. The Moon has such strong effects on our life here on earth, I mean, it literally controls the tides through its gravitational force. So to honor our dearest galactic friend on this Moon Day, we made this delicious AND nutritious Moon and Stars Flower Tea recipe! 

The Qi Organic Moon Day Butterfly Pea Jasmine Chocolate Flower Tea Bomb Recipe
Use code '5off' to get $5 off today!

shop now for The Qi Organic Moon Day Butterfly Pea Jasmine Chocolate Flower Tea Bomb Recipe

Fun Fact: The zodiac sign Cancer is spans from June 21st to July 22nd, and it is the only sign that is ruled by the moon. Make this drink for your Cancer friends to celebrate them the ending of their season! We guarantee they'll love it!



The Qi Organic Moon Day Butterfly Pea Jasmine Chocolate Flower Tea Bomb Recipe

1. Start by making a Jasmine white chocolate flower tea bomb. HERE is the recipe that we use to make chocolate flower tea bombs. Just hold the matcha and swap out the rosebuds for jasmine!

The Qi Organic Moon Day Butterfly Pea Jasmine Chocolate Flower Tea Bomb Recipe

2. Place your Jasmine white chocolate flower tea bomb into a glass cup

The Qi Organic Moon Day Butterfly Pea Jasmine Chocolate Flower Tea Bomb Recipe

3. Steep your Butterfly Pea flower tea in 190-200ºF boiling hot water for 3-5 minutes, until it reaches a rich blue color. 

4. Pour your steeped Butterfly Pea flower tea over your Jasmine white chocolate tea bomb and watch as the hot tea creates the craters in the moon. 

Sip, Enjoy, & Happy National Moon Day!

The Qi Organic Moon Day Butterfly Pea Jasmine Chocolate Flower Tea Bomb Recipe
Use code '5off' to get $5 off today!

shop now for The Qi Organic Moon Day Butterfly Pea Jasmine Chocolate Flower Tea Bomb Recipe

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