August 26, 2020Flower Person
Welcome to our Flower Person Series, where we showcase inspiring individuals who love flowers and work with them in their career in beautiful ways!
We're kicking off our Flower Person Series with Deborah Hanekamp, or better known as Mama Medicine, who is an iconic figure in the wellness space. Mama Medicine's work surrounds empowering people to heal themselves through the channel of Medicine Readings. Her kind and welcoming spirit allow for the power of love to radiate through all of her actions, as a reflection of her motherly title. Pictured above is Mama Medicine in a calming ritual bath of our Blue Lotus and Chrysanthemum flowers. Our highest quality food-grade flowers make it possible for you to not only heal from the inside, but also from the outside within.
Hi Debrorah! Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do.
My name is Deborah Hanekamp you may know me as Mama Medicine but my name is Deborah, it means busy bee. I am here to empower people to be their own healer through a healing modality I transmit called Medicine Readings. I offer this work digitally in one on one and group settings. For me, the true master, healer, teacher is the power of love and this is what the Medicine part of Mama Medicine means to me. The Medicine I speak of is love. I try to stay close to that wisdom and let it radiate from me whether I am facilitating a Medicine Reading, or chilling out in sweatpants, cuddling with my sweet family and my beautiful animals.

Wow! It certainly sounds like you are quite the busy bee. What's your hive? Where are you from and where do you call home now?
I lived in rural northern Connecticut till I was 17 but I identify more with being from Brooklyn, NY where I've lived for most of my life. I call the hearts of my family home.
That's so lovely. Where did your love for flowers come from or what first drew you to flowers?
Nature has always felt like the safest place and it was this soft feeling of being hugged every time I stepped outside that led me to appreciate the fleeting splendor of flowers.
Flowers have this intrinsic comforting quality. What’s your favorite flower and why?
This is a tough one but I'd have to say my favorite flower is a Sunflower. I feel like I can see him smiling when I look into his face and it reminds me of running through sunflower patches as a child.
I definitely can't help but smile when I'm looking at flowers -- they just speak to me! What are some inspiring words you love and live by?
Currently, this song, "Happiness Runs" by the artist Dononvan has really inspired me:
"Little pebble upon the sand
Now you're lying here in my hand
How many years
Have you been here?
Little human upon the sand
From where I'm lying
Here in your hand
You to me are but a passing breeze
The sun will always shine where you stand
Depending in which land
You may find yourself
Now you have my blessing, go your way
Happiness runs in a circular motion
Thought is like a little boat upon the sea
Everybody is a part of everything anyway
You can have everything if you let yourself be"
Now you're lying here in my hand
How many years
Have you been here?
Little human upon the sand
From where I'm lying
Here in your hand
You to me are but a passing breeze
The sun will always shine where you stand
Depending in which land
You may find yourself
Now you have my blessing, go your way
Happiness runs in a circular motion
Thought is like a little boat upon the sea
Everybody is a part of everything anyway
You can have everything if you let yourself be"
Such beautiful words on the interconnectedness of the world. What are you working on right now that you’d like to share?
Right now I'm working on spreading the word about my new book Ritual Baths. I feel like now more than ever we need simple tools to be our own healers and this book offers just that. I'm also always working on facilitating Medicine Readings, it's the heart and soul of my work and the place I always come home to.

Speaking of simple tools to become our own healers...what’s a daily ritual that’s made an impact in your life?
Always and forever Ritual Baths
Finally, what’s the last flower you bought?
Lunaria is the most recent flower I've gotten and I'm kind of obsessed!