Top 13 Benefits of Drinking Blue Lotus Tea

It's likely you're sitting behind your computer with blue light hitting your eyes when you deserve to be curled up and slowly sipping a cup of blue lotus tea. We understand. So much of our lives are governed by rushed mornings, late nights, crowded commutes, and quick deadlines. Whether you’re working overtime at your 9-5, caring for your grandchildren, or simply trying to secure a moment for yourself, stepping away and winding down can be difficult. When we view our lives solely from a task-based standpoint, hoping to check every box off, waiting to get to Friday, wishing away life's difficulties, we can lose sight of the bigger picture. Life is a journey with endless possible paths. The best we can do is come at it with a clear head and an open heart. 

As you read this post, we invite you to join us on a journey of mindfulness as you learn about the healing benefits of our blue lotus tea. If you’re on your phone, consider sending this link to yourself and saving it for later. We’re taking you along on a meditation. Let’s drift into a state of reflection, embrace stillness, and invite quiet into our lives. 

Blue Lotus

A Mindful Meditation 

First, pay attention to the rhythm of your breath. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand as you fill your lungs with air. Imagine drawing in calm and positive energy with each inhale.

Hold your breath for a brief moment (2-3 seconds) to allow the oxygen to fully circulate.

Exhale gently and completely through your mouth or nose. Imagine releasing any stress or negative energy as you breathe out.

Now imagine yourself in a tranquil, sunlit pond, where the water is calm and serene. Before you, an array of blue lotus flowers are beginning their majestic journey from beneath the surface. Hone in on one flower and picture the bud gently rising. Think of its delicate form breaking free from the depths as it seeks the light. With each moment, the flower unfurls its petals slowly and gracefully, revealing a stunning array of vibrant purple hues. 

Blue Lotus

As you observe this transformation, let your mind mirror the unfolding of the lotus. Continue to practice your breathing, recalling that calm and positive energy with each inhale as you witness the petals opening one by one. Imagine that each petal represents a layer of your inner self, gradually revealing your true essence and potential. Allow yourself to embrace this gentle process, feeling the stress and tension dissolve with each breath.

Imagine yourself observing the flower’s petals as they reach towards the sunlight, each one nurtured by warmth and energy. Feel this warmth as a gentle embrace, filling you with a sense of peace and renewal. As the blue lotus blooms fully, let it symbolize the blossoming of your own inner strength, beauty and clarity.

Continue to breathe in and out, letting this image of the blue lotus flower unfurl, guiding you to a place of peace and centeredness. Carry this sense of tranquility with you, knowing that, just like the lotus, you too can rise above challenges and emerge with renewed grace and beauty.

Now that you’re relaxed, let's learn more about the most relaxing super flower. 

Blue Lotus Benefits:

1. It Stimulates Relaxation

Known for its calming effects, the blue lotus flower can help reduce stress and promote relaxation because it contains the alkaloid, nuciferine which is believed to have sedative and calming properties. Blue lotus also contains apomorphine, which has mild psychoactive effects that can help ease stress and promote a calm state of mind as you ease into your bedtime routine. 

2. It's a Mood Enhancer

When you're stressed or low on sleep, your mood is one of the first things to suffer. Drinking blue lotus can help emotionally regulate you and bring you back to a calmer state by helping to lower your cortisol levels. Apomorphine acts on dopamine receptors in the brain, which can enhance pleasure and motivation, contributing to an overall improved mood. 

Blue Lotus

3. It Functions as a Sleep Aid

With so many non-natural, addictive sleep aids on the market, it can be difficult to decide what to turn to when insomnia strikes. If you're suffering from chronic sleep issues, are a lifelong melatonin popper, or maybe you're just going through a difficult time and seeking something new, blue lotus could be your saving grace. In addition to its natural sedative properties, blue lotus tea acts as a muscle relaxer, helping to reduce physical tension that might otherwise interfere with sleep. Taking time to intentionally focus on the tea-making process can also enhance mindfulness and ease you into a sleep routine. 

4. It Can Help Relieve Pain

Blue lotus also acts as a natural analgesic, helping to ease minor aches and pains after spending time on your feet or exercising. By reducing inflammation, the tea can help alleviate pain, particularly that associated with inflammatory conditions like arthritis or muscle soreness. Historically, blue lotus has also be used topically as an oil to nurture areas inflicted with pain and inflammation. 

5. It's Anti-Inflammatory

Speaking of inflammation, blue lotus contains active compounds that can help inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes that play a crucial role in the inflammatory response. Inflammation can occur anywhere throughout the body, including the muscles, gut and skin. Combined with other anti-inflammatory herbs like turmeric and ginger, the flower's powerful properties can help alleviate pain, stiffness and discomfort.

6. It's Antioxidant Rich 

Plentiful in antioxidants, the tea can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Rich in various flavonoids and antioxidants, blue lotus fights against oxidative stress, a key contributor to chronic inflammation. Antioxidants also help protect neurons from oxidative stress, which can support cognitive function and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. 

7. It Promotes a Healthy Digestive System

The anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties of blue lotus can help reduce discomfort associated with various digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, and cramps. By relaxing the digestive tract and enhancing movement within the intestines, blue lotus can help improve the overall process of digestion, making it more efficient. 

8. It Can Improve Mental Clarity

While blue lotus has historically been recommended as a bedtime drink, some find that it helps them to focus and improves concentration. Stress and anxiety also majorly cloud the brain and disrupt mental clarity and focus. The calming and anxiolytic effects of blue lotus can help reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a clearer mind and more dialed in version of yourself.  

9. It's a Natural Detoxifier

Blue lotus works to support the body’s natural detoxification processes by protecting liver cells from oxidative damage and supporting overall liver function. Improvements in digestion, combined with the tea's anti-inflammatory properties contribute to mild detoxification effects, though longtime and consistent use can support ongoing detoxification. 

Blue Lotus

10. It's Great for Your Skin

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in blue lotus may also contribute to healthier skin, protecting it from damage caused by UV radiation and environmental pollutants. A healthier and more youthful glow can also emerge with better hydration over time.  The plant’s compounds can also support skin repair and regeneration, helping to heal minor cuts, wounds, or blemishes more efficiently.

11. It Enhances Libido

Traditionally used as an aphrodisiac to boost sexual desire, blue lotus provides an enhanced sensory experience that can lead to heightened pleasure and satisfaction. Blue lotus extracts or tinctures can offer a more concentrated dose targeted for this benefit. 

12. It Supports Heart Health

With its aforementioned antioxidant protective properties, anti-inflammatory affects, ability to reduce stress and improve blood circulation, cardiovascular health can be strengthened. It's also been suggested that the relaxing properties of blue lotus may contribute to the regulation of blood pressure — another contributing factor important in keeping healthy cardiovascular health. 

13. It Helps Combat Anxiety

Blue lotus may also help stave off anxiety. Known for its anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) properties, it helps create a more relaxed state of mind by improving sleep quality, enhancing relaxation and improving mood. Combine blue lotus with other relaxation techniques like the meditation above for an added way to ease anxiety.

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