Erica Gleason, Creator
This week's Flower Person is Erica Gleason, a creator and hand crafter from LA. Erica's work is beautifully unique and each piece is handcrafted with care. As a fellow flower lover, we discuss where her love for flowers stemmed from. We also get a glimpse into where her inspiration comes from and what her daily rituals are. Read on to find out more!

Hey Erica! Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do
Hi! I’m a creative making handmade tufted rugs in downtown LA. I enjoy using my hands and body and challenging my abilities to make all sorts of things! When I’m not making rugs I like to cook, stretch, and work with stained glass and clay.
Where are you from and where do you call home now?
I was born and raised in Whittier, California and still call it my home, although I've also lived in New York and like to consider it my 2nd home. Goal is to be bicoastal one day!

Where did your love for flowers come from or what first drew you to flowers?
I’ve always loved flowers because duh, what’s not to love? But I definitely got my appreciation for them from my father. Growing up he’s always gardened and would pick me flowers from his garden and would tell me to smell them and point out all the different scents and colors of each flower. I love the uniqueness of all the different flowers.
That is so lovely! What are you working on at the moment?
I am currently working on a few new projects that are a secret but I’m very excited about them. And aside from rug stuff, I’m always working on myself because there is always room for growing.
Well we're super excited to see what's in store! What are some inspiring words you love and live by?
Treat others the way you want to be treated. I know it’s pretty generic but I think if everyone actually lived by those words then the world would be a much nicer place. Of course it’s something I need to actively work on to do myself.
Self growth is always important. What’s a daily ritual that’s made an impact in your life?
Stretching and getting sun. Both make me very happy.
Love it! What are you drinking and eating currently?
Hot Matcha with oat milk and my grandma's special oatmeal cookies
What brings you pure joy?
Love, kindness, compassion, generosity, selflessness. You know when you randomly witness a stranger helping out another stranger? That brings me pure joy. Being there for one another even if you don’t know the person.
That is so wholesome! Who is someone that had the most impact in your life for the better?
My mom and dad. They are my role models for so many different reasons and have always shown me so much love and support.
Where do you find inspiration or what have you found super inspiring lately?
I believe inspiration can be found anywhere. People you meet, places you go, things you see on the internet, etc. Inspiration is anywhere if you open to it :-)
Quick fire Q’s
Favorite affirmation?
- Everything will work out the way it’s meant to
Favorite book?
- Too hard to answer, sorry!!
Favorite food to cook?
- Indonesian food. I’m Dutch Indonesian and grew up making all types on Indonesian dishes.
Favorite city?
- Brooklyn and Paris
Favorite movie?
- Winnie the Pooh lol
What is one advice you would tell your “younger self”?
- I think I would advise my younger self to learn and explore more hobbies. And assure her that everything is gonna be fine
If you would like to learn more about, or connect with Erica, follow the links below: