White Chocolate Bark with Macadamia Nuts & Edible Petals
I've been wanting to make a white chocolate macadamia bark with edible flower petals for ages. And this past weekend was a dear friend's birthday so here you have it :) It's as stunning as it is delish! Hope you love it too!

1 lb of white chocolate chips
1 table spoon of edible petals from all three flowers of Floral Tasting Collection
1 cup of chopped macadamia nut

1. Melt chocolate chips in a bowl in microwave for 30 secs
2. Check and stir to ensure it's fully melted (If not, repeat step 1)
3. Spread macadamia nuts close together in single layer on parchment paper
4. Carefully pour a thin layer of melted white chocolate covering all the nuts
5. Dust all 3 color flower petals over hot chocolate
6. Let cool and harden
7. Cut into bars and enjoy!