For today's Flower Person Interview, we chatted with Victoria Misu, a visual artist whose eye-catching work elicits feelings of fantasy and often features flowers for their earthly natural beauty. 

As a visual artist, Victoria creates her dreamy and aesthetically pleasing visual experiences through the mediums of digital media and virtual reality. Incorporated in her compositions are beautiful blooming flowers, vibrant in color and life. The sense of wonder Victoria gracefully captures through her work is one that captivates all who come across it, and certainly, has captivated us. Today, we talk about the nurturing nature of flowers, the importance of a clear vision, and self-worth. 


Hi Victoria! Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do.

Flim Maker, Scene Director, and Virtual Reality Engineer

Tech work: I specialize in the human-computer-interaction aspect of virtual reality immersions in the context of learning tools. Since it’s a nascent technology, we run studies and create prototypes to explore the usability aspects of VR.

Art work: I create visual experiences through digital media, mostly transporting sceneries into frames and mirrors or other mediums that create fluid effects of teleporting realms. This type of art came about for me because I wanted to reclaim my own image. As someone who modeled more in my early 20’s and was always subject to the representation of or distaste for Asian (Americans), I wanted to take back my image and my own sense of self-worth that I continuously let others determine. 

Your visual work is incredibly other-worldly! But back to this world--where are you from and where do you call home now?

Washington, D.C.!

An earthly entity that frequently appears in your creations is flowers. Lots and lots of them. Where did your love for flowers come from or what first drew you to flowers?

My parents have had such a tough life but one thing that they’ve always managed to learn to nurture has been flowers. They’ve always hated bouquets from the store because there was no revival in them, no years’ long cycle of growth. They’ve taught themselves to grow a myriad of flowers, some of which result in fruit. It takes so much dedication, kindness, and sacrifice to be able to see such entities bloom into each phase of their life, year after year.

I’ve never been able to raise plants in my life, even though I’ve always wanted to - my life has always been packed to the minute! And, because of my parents, I’ve never had a penchant for buying real bouquets of flowers unless they are gifted - I often feel bad that I’m wasting their life. So, I’ve purchased a harmony of fake flowers, all of which represent some of my parents’ favorite ones. They’re forever flowers, some of which have been passed down from them from decades ago!  


It's poetic and endearing how you've mentioned the revitalizing nature of planted flowers and the nurture and care that goes into sustaining them. Our blue lotus tells a very similar story of resurrecting resiliency through adversity. What are you working on at the moment?

A Starry Night inspired mini-film!

That sounds beautiful! I can't wait to see your creative transformation of such a beloved classic!  What are some inspiring words you love and live by?

1 Peter 5:8 “ Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”

This verse is on the surface a very cautionary one, though it does run deeper than the surface level of self-defense. It’s a reminder to always stay beyond vigilant, to be introspective and insightful, to sense beyond the surface, and most importantly, not to possess qualities that someone who wants to see you fail would have.


Thank you for sharing those wise words. Hindsight is 20-20 but it's definitely important to stay alert, aware, and in the present. I find that drinking caffiene-free tea at night helps me get a good night's sleep to wake up feeling refreshed. What’s a daily ritual that’s made an impact in your life?

Adversely: playing computer games, I love them but spend too much time on them!!

Beneficially: Eating breakfast. This has forced me to make time to eat instead of rushing to work and discover foods that I like.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! A great meal can set the tone for the rest of the day. But what brings you the most comfort?

When I make a checklist of tasks  and I have everything checked off, I’ve paid my bills, and I can finally take a full day to nap and rest.

The Qi Interview Victoria Misu

And who is someone that had the most impact on your life for the better?

My bf! He taught me patience by being the kind, loving mirror that I needed.

Now, if you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?

Eagle, powerful enough to protect itself and has the ability to fly and see the world from different visual perspectives.

Quickfire Qs

Favorite affirmation? 
  • I’m not completely sure what an affirmation is, but from the literal term, for me, it’s knowing that there is light to be created and more importantly, received,  in the world. 
Favorite book?
  • Doraemon 
Favorite food to cook? 
  • Anything with capers!
Favorite city? 
  • Santorini (I’ve never been but I feel like I would cry if I saw it)
Favorite movie? 
  • Alice in Wonderland
What is one advice you would tell your “younger self”?
  • Stop wasting so much time worrying if you’re pretty or not based on the people around you who want to see you fail - your worth is not attached simply to your exterior shell, nor is it tied to human judgment and current cultural norms of what’s accepted and lauded. 


    If you would like to find more about Victoria and her work, her socials are linked below:






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