Angie Chiuzzi, Florist

Lets welcome in the new year with Angie Chiuzzi, our flower person this week! Angie co-owns Bloom Babes, a floral design company in Southern CA. Angie tells us about her connection to the sea and how she found her way to becoming a floral designer. Read on to find out what inspires her and motivates her to create!

Angie Chiuzzi, The Qi Flower person interview, Bloom babes floral design, tea, wellness, beauty, creation
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do

Hi! My name is Angie. I feel most at home in the ocean and around plants. Surfing has been an integral part of me for 12 years, both as a blessing and a curse cause I can’t venture too far from the water without feeling like something is out of place.

I am lucky to work doing what I love as a florist and co-owner to Bloom Babes, where my best friend and I create floral designs for weddings, events, and floral installations. 

Angie Chiuzzi, The Qi Flower person interview, Bloom babes floral design, tea, wellness, beauty, creation
Sounds like a dream to co-own a business with your best friend! Where are you from and where do you call home now?

I am first generation born in California, but traveled back and forth to Buenos Aires, Argentina most of my childhood, so I consider it like my second home. Both of my parents immigrated to the states with very little in the mid 80’s to escape the country’s looming economic crisis. I feel very fortunate to be American with my Argentine roots!

We have to know - where did your love for flowers come from? 

As a kid I was always shy and introverted - I would spend hours by myself climbing trees, playing in the dirt, and picking flowers. I have always been very drawn to nature. I stumbled upon the option of flowers as a career soon after I had finished some nutrition education (about 8 years ago), but was feeling like something was missing. My best friend had just started working entry level at a flower shop and it’s like a light bulb went off. She helped me get a job at a different shop and I’ve been around flowers ever since. 

Angie Chiuzzi, The Qi Flower person interview, Bloom babes floral design, tea, wellness, beauty, creation
I am so glad you found the path that lead you here. What are you working on at the moment?

The last 2 ½ years for me has been one of the biggest shifts in my life - so I have been pouring a lot into finding myself and discovering my signature in life. It’s meant digging into a lot of great books and podcasts and putting in the grit work into being a better human and feeling good in my own skin. 

Professionally, everything has shifted due to COVID. Until we are able to have events again, we have been doing our best to keep the momentum going - but its definitely been tough. As of late, we just finished some landscape design courses, in hopes to introduce garden designing into our repertoire. We’ve also been offering a few online design classes that are taught live via ZOOM.

How exciting! Love how you guys are able to adapt and connect with your community. What are some inspiring words you love and live by?

“Your life is your art. When you make tough choices in favor of your Soul, you're making a masterpiece out of your existence.” - Danielle LaPorte

“Everything is figureoutable” - Marie Forleo

“I think it is brave that you get up in the morning when your heartaches and your life is messy and you do not feel like being soft for the world. I think it is brave that you continue to love, and express, and open your soul, despite the way you were treated in the past. I think that it is brave that you keep going, that you keep believing in something more, something bigger, even when you may not know what you are hoping for. I think it is brave that you fight, I think it is brave that you choose, every single day, to move forward- because that is what makes you strong – THAT IS WHAT MAKES YOU STRONG.” - Bianca Sparacino

“I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of them cats” - Eckhart Tolle

My list is always changing and evolving!

Angie Chiuzzi, The Qi Flower person interview, Bloom babes floral design, tea, wellness, beauty, creation
They're all golden! What’s a daily ritual that’s made an impact in your life?

Getting up early and moving my body has been integral to my wellbeing. I started working out before sunrise a couple of years ago and now I can’t imagine not doing it!

That sounds amazing - sunrises are so beautiful. What are you drinking and eating currently?

Pulp Culture has been my drink of choice - its raw, fermented juice! 

Also - I am a total pasta hound so if it were up to me I would have some sort of pasta dish every night!!

Angie Chiuzzi, The Qi Flower person interview, Bloom babes floral design, tea, wellness, beauty, creation
What brings you pure joy?

Seeing seals, dolphins, whales, and pelicans in the lineup. I squeal with joy every time. Seeing really beautiful rare flowers at the flower market also makes me very happy. 

Who is someone that had the most impact in your life for the better? 

My three sisters. I can’t imagine my life without them. Siblings are such a blessing!!

And finally, where do you find inspiration?

Walking or riding my bike around the neighborhood always has my wheels turning on what I can design next. 

I recently found a really beautiful art magazine dedicated to flowers, it's called Blumenhaus Magazine. They just came out with their first cover and it's one of the most beautiful curated collections of all things flowers and art I have seen in a long time. @blumenhausmagazine 

Angie Chiuzzi, The Qi Flower person interview, blue lotus flowers, tea, wellness, beauty

Quick fire Q’s

Favorite affirmation?
  • Lately it's been the Ho’oponopono prayer. It’s very simple but powerful and it's about intentionally holding a space for reflection, repentance, forgiveness, and gratitude for everything in your life. “I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you”
Favorite book?
  • Rising Strong - Brene Brown, Inward - Yung Pueblo
Favorite food to cook? 
  • Pasta (for myself), Empanadas (but only with my mom)
Favorite city?
  • San Francisco 
Favorite movie?
  • Waiting For Guffman
What is one advice you would tell your “younger self”?
  • Take the time to discover who you are - start by honoring yourself and your feelings. You matter and you are loved!
    Angie Chiuzzi, The Qi Flower person interview, Bloom babes floral design, tea, wellness, beauty, creation


    If you would like to learn more about, or connect with Angie, follow the links below: 






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