Jasmine Rose Jelly Cake

This might be the most beautiful dessert we've ever seen! Our Jasmine Rose Jelly Cake is sweet, fresh, and low in calories, which means you don't have to feel guilty about reaching for a second slice (...or third, we don't judge). Make this the next time you're having a summer dinner party and you want your guests to think you made art for them to eat! 

The Qi Recipe for Organic Jasmine Rose Flower Tea Jelly Gelatin
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Serving Size

This recipe makes 8 small slices of Jasmine Rose Jelly Cake. Feel free to adjust depending on how much you would like to make!
The Qi Recipe for Organic Jasmine Rose Flower Tea Jelly Gelatin



The Qi Recipe for Organic Jasmine Rose Flower Tea Jelly Gelatin

1. Bring 3 cups of water to a boil in a large pot. 

2. Add your Rosebud and Jasmine flower tea buds to the pot of boiling water & Allow the flowers to steep in the hot water for about 3-5 minutes. 

The Qi Recipe for Organic Jasmine Rose Flower Tea Jelly Gelatin

3. Transfer your steeped Rosebud and Jasmine flower tea to a mixing bowl. 

The Qi Recipe for Organic Jasmine Rose Flower Tea Jelly Gelatin

4. Mix 4 tsp gelatin powder into the bowl & Whisk until the gelatin has completely dissolved. (We followed the instructions on the gelatin packet. Check the instructions to make your gelatin correctly) 

The Qi Recipe for Organic Jasmine Rose Flower Tea Jelly Gelatin

5. Transfer to a silicon tray & Leave in the fridge for overnight to solidify. 

How to Enjoy

The Qi Recipe for Organic Jasmine Rose Flower Tea Jelly Gelatin
  • Pour your fresh Rose Simple Syrup on top of the solidified Jasmine Rose Jelly Cake. To learn how to easily make Rose Simple Syrup, check out this recipe!


  • Sprinkle your favorite type of sugar or Drizzle honey on top of the solidified Jasmine Rose Jelly Cake. 

Dig in & Enjoy your floral jelly cake! 

The Qi Recipe for Organic Jasmine Rose Flower Tea Jelly Gelatin
Get $5 off by using code '5off' today! 
shop now for The Qi Recipe for Organic Jasmine Rose Flower Tea Jelly Gelatin

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