Flower Support: How to Nurture Your Emotional Well Being
In a time riddled with record inflation, multiple wars, and bellowing climate anxiety, stress can feel all-consuming. And, that’s not even accounting for personal, daily responsibilities. It's no wonder that self care has become such a hot topic. From hashtags across social media to product promos, billboards, and buzzy marketing campaigns, we’re familiar with the lingo, but do we truly understand what this catch-all term means for us — much less, how we can apply it to our daily lives?
The term self care was put on the map by medical and psychological professionals over 70 years ago and entered mainstream discourse in the 80s. By the 2010s, the term would go on to explode, being attached to everything from skincare to therapy, to simply cracking open a book at bedtime.
Quickly broadening into a popular term, it’s now widely recognized but remains a nebulous concept for most people. While self care might start with face masks and movie nights, it can mean so much more and look a lot different for everyone. But, that doesn’t mean it needs to be complicated. We’re here to break it down for you and help you get there! By understanding that self care starts with looking inward, we can take concrete steps that lead us toward a more balanced, joyful, and fulfilling life.
If you’re looking to make self care part of your daily ritual, keep reading to discover what that looks like and how you can nourish your emotional well being. We’ll give you a hint — it starts with drinking a nice hot cup of whole flower tea.
Welcome To Our World
Tea has been used for centuries across cultures as a stress reducer and remedy for various ailments. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, tea is more than just a pleasant beverage but is a way to help bring balance to your body and invigorate your “Qi,” or life force to promote overall vitality and energy.
So, how exactly do tea and self care go together? Before delving into the teas we recommend you start with, let’s explore the deep connection between the two, with six ways they relate. Here are some self care benefits behind brewing tea:
Ritualistic Routine
The act of preparing and drinking tea is one that’s rooted in mindfulness. From brewing the water to unpacking the product (extra beneficial when beautiful!) to waiting for it to steep, the process creates a natural break in your day and requires intentionality. Incorporating tea into your daily routine can establish a consistent self care practice, especially when you time it with a morning meal or evening wind down.
Emotional Comfort
Tea has been proven to have calming effects, with specific varieties used to target stress and enhance relaxation. The act of drinking a hot beverage also naturally signifies to the body that it’s time to wind down. Everything from the warmth of the cup to the visual process, the aroma, and the taste create a sensory experience that’s undeniably soothing — Bonus points if the tea is a whole, living flower just waiting to bloom in your cup.
Physical Benefits
Many teas, and their suggested additives, like goji berries and jujube dates, can support physical health, providing things like antioxidants and helping to aid digestion. The connection between your gut (digestive system) and your brain, otherwise known as gut-brain access, is a crucial link between your physical health and emotional state. By supporting a healthy gut, you’re supporting a more balanced mood and mental state.
Space to Reflect
Tea time, or as we like to call it, “Qi Time” can be a designated period for self-reflection and introspection. It provides a quiet space where you can gather your thoughts, process emotions, and engage in personal reflection or journaling. Some even like to incorporate meditation into their tea ritual to help sharpen their focus and encourage increased mindfulness. Think of brewing a cup of tea as your starting point on a mini journey. What did you see? How do you feel? How are you different from when you took your first sip?
Social Connection
Sipping on a cup of tea with friends and loved ones can strengthen relationships and provide emotional support. Even for those who consider themselves introverts, social connections are a vital aspect of self care. Tea is the ultimate facilitator to foster and maintain these connections because it’s a natural conversation starter, comes in a variety of options, and provides a built-in, inexpensive shared experience.
Personal Empowerment
Lastly, your tea routine is something that you can make uniquely your own. Whether you’re using it to relax, perk up, pair well with a sweet treat, or add to an evening of entertaining, its flexibility allows you to cater to your unique, self care needs. Choosing a tea to drink daily is a small step that empowers you to control your physical and emotional health. Think of it as an act of self respect. You are worth giving yourself a beautiful experience every day!
Pairings for the Perfect Self-Care Routine
So, how can you best support your self care journey with specific flower teas? Let’s start by honing in on one of these benefits. Maybe you see tea as a way to help you bond with new friends, as part of your daily journaling practice, or you just want to establish a better bedtime routine. Let’s tackle each one, incorporating rituals and flower teas to help you commit to a self care routine that’s accessible and adaptable to your needs.
Tea to Support a Ritual:
If you’re seeking a tea to incorporate into your daily routine, we recommend one that’s mild in flavor with myriad health benefits, like our whole-flower Royal Chrysanthemum tea. Packed with different types of Vitamin B, including folic acid, choline, niacin, and riboflavin, Chrysanthemum supports developmental progress, circulation, and neurotransmitter activity. Plus, it’s a perfect everyday drink for the summer for its natural cooling properties. Pair it with goji berries, which have a warming effect, to balance out the flower’s benefits.
Tea to Offer Emotional Comfort:
Sipping on flower teas is the ultimate shortcut to achieving a boost of serotonin. The sight of beautiful flower petals floating in your tea provides a sensory experience that drives you to be present and mindful. Plus, it’s scientifically proven that flowers make people happy! When you need a little extra emotional support, we recommend you start with Jasmine tea from our Petite Flower Trio set. The antioxidants and polyphenols in jasmine help to enhance the production of mood-boosting neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin, helping to improve things like memory, focus, and concentration.
Tea to Support Physical Health:
Widely known for its color-changing properties, Butterfly Pea is more than just a beautiful drink. Antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory, you can sip on Butterfly Pea to stabilize your blood sugar when you’re hit with a midday crash or if you’re looking to relieve hard-to-handle nausea and indigestion. Those with chronic health issues such as asthma and allergies have even turned to the Super Flower for relief. Its benefits loom large, so be sure to do your research before!
Tea for Quiet Reflection:
If self care starts with emotional wellness, then emotional wellness starts with good sleep. Through its psychoactive and calming effects, the blue lotus flower contains compounds that help to level out your mood and induce a sense of calm. Try sipping on our richly flavored Blue Lotus before bedtime to help you slip into a reflective and relaxed mood. Known for its mild sedative properties, we recommend starting self care with this natural flower whose petals close overnight and open when the sun returns, much like us.

Tea for Social Connection:
Though we often associate self care as a solitary act, it’s important to balance our solo and social time. For a natural conversation starter, with a boost of mild caffeine, our Blooming Tea is an experiential brew that can transform an afternoon intimate gathering for two or an early brunch of twenty. Packaged in individual blooming tea truffles, the everyday tea experience is elevated using a blend of premium green tea leaves, delicate peony flowers, and vibrant globe amaranth.
Tea for Personal Empowerment:
So much of self care starts with the way we talk to ourselves. When we feel empowered in small aspects of our lives, we are motivated to make even bigger, more impactful changes down the line. The sweet floral aroma of our Shangri-La Rose tea and its robust color make for a remarkable experience and can even provide relief from menstrual discomfort. With mild analgesic properties, rose tea has the propensity to induce muscular relaxation to help alleviate cramping. Top with Petite Rosebuds, jujube dates and goji berries for a more balanced, anti-bloating experience.