CBD Honey Rose Latte

This gorgeous and decadent Rose Latte is simple to create. It's also a beautiful feast to the eyes and offers the most sweet comforting notes to the taste palette.  Enjoy it whenever you need a moment of joy, nourishment, and relaxation.



1 x The Qi Shangri-la Rose

2 x teaspoon of Potli Feel Good Honey

2 x teaspoon of oat mylk from Goodmylk Creamer 

Boiling hot water~ 

CBD honey rose latte


  • Put honey and rose in a glass mug and fill boiling hot water ¾ of the way
  • Gently stir to mix and let it steep for 3 minutes 
  • Add latte creamer in another vessel and pour about ½ cup hot water and use frother to create forth 
  • Then top off Rose honey tea with latte creamer and enjoy!

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